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Giving a chance for a normal life

Helping the mutilated in Syria

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{{ collected_gift_amount | percent_number:20000.0:1:0 }} % Goal: zł 20,000.00

Mission: Prosthetics for mutilated children

War in Syria led the country to ruin. More than six million people left their homeland and hundreds of thousands more lost their lives or health. Amputations of limbs are the most common medical procedures performed during the bombardments, mainly due to the lack of any means of immediate treatment. For the youngsters it means very limited contact with people their age and no possibilitiesfor education. They are also suffering from many medical conditions: scoliosis, muscular atrophy, contractures, infections, depression caused by war trauma and isolation.

Starting this fundraiser will provide funds for orthopedic services in Syria

Thanks to you we will

make it possible for Syrians to use the services of professionals like orthopedists, orthotists, physiotherapists

provide local doctors with tools needed to help people

be able to design individualized prosthetics for the amputees

help children and adults regain mobility, giving them a chance for a normal life

By raising funds with the Mission you’ll improve lives of hundreds of amputees

Only funding orthopedic facilities on-site will allow us to provide complex care during the entire process of designing individualized prosthetic, and the following rehabilitation. We require the help of trained professionals and the doctors that support the cause need proper tools to help younger and older patients to deal with experiencing disability and war trauma.

See ongoing fundraisers for the treatment of the Syrian community

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