Medical help during humanitarian emergencies around the world
PMM Vasco Emergency Team
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{{ collected_gift_amount | percent_number:20000.0:1:0 }}
zł 20,000.00
Mission: Swift crisis mitigation
Our emergency team tries to get to the places of natural disasters or military conflicts as soon as possible – it is prepared to provide aid in extreme conditions and react accordingly to the most difficult circumstances. In addition it assists with conducting long-term projects of the Polish Medical Mission in areas that require constant monitoring from doctors and paramedics.
Starting this fundraiser will support our emergency team
Thanks to you
new doctors from various fields, midwives and medical paramedics will join
they will be trained to work in extreme conditions
team of doctors, nurses and paramedics will be ready to provide medical aid within 48h
it will be possible to develop local health infrastructure, sharing complex medical knowledge with professionals on-site
By raising funds with the Mission you’ll help us do the impossible
Due to the nature of the mobile emergency team’s work, it is crucial to equip it regularly with all the necessary provisions: tools, professional equipment, medical, and sanitary supplies that cannot be accessed by the isolated communities.
See ongoing PMM Vasco Emergency Team fundraisers