Access to medical help is a basic human right
Mother, children and primary care
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zł 50,000.00
Mission: Mothers, children and primary care
Together with local partners we care about the well-being of pregnant women and infants from Ukraine, Tanzania, Jordan, Venezuela or Senegal. We provide tools for examination, educate on planned parenting and nutrition, and monitor newborns’ health. We equip and train the mobile clinics crew that can more easily reach remote and badly communicated areas. Frequently we are the only source of medical assistance there.
Starting this fundraiser will provide money for primary health care
Thanks to you we can
provide communities in need with medical care, medications and tools for examination
provide complex care for girls and women during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period
provide doctors and medical professionals for our youngest patients and people with disabilities
support the development of local health infrastructure, training the medical personnel
By raising funds with the Mission you’ll provide medical help around the world
Paramedics, doctors and nurses working with those in need know best how great is the demand for not only medication, but also rehabilitation, gynecologic or dental care. Donations help our partners worldwide to constantly get the best results.
See ongoing fundraisers for primary and perinatal care