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Fighting hunger

We provide knowledge, equipment, therapeutic food

{{ collected_gift_amount_formatted }} raised

{{ collected_gift_amount | percent_number:30000.0:1:0 }} % Goal: zł 30,000.00

Mission: Food program

Malnutrition is the main health problem in Senegal and Etiopia. Particularly vulnerable are children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. General poverty is a primary cause for diseases and the mortality rate within the population of this country. Factors such as high illiteracy, drinking water shortage, lack of healthcare, bad eating habits and unhygienic conditions increase the risk of malnutrition.

Starting this fundraiser will provide money for food programs

Thanks to you we will

conduct culinary training sessions and lectures on healthy and nutritious eating habits

train medical workers and female leaders to quickly recognize malnutrition

provide medical food and dietary supplements wherever they’re needed most

provide suitable help for every facility in need

By raising funds with the Mission you’ll promote long-term positive change

Funds you raise will stop the wave of death caused by malnutrition among children up to five years old. Thanks to the food program and training both personnel and people from Etiopia, Senegal or Venezuela we can help medical facilities introduce viable methods for fighting hunger

See ongoing fundraisers to fight hunger

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